Playmobil 6364 Loofbomen met dieren


Bereid je Playmobil Country wereld uit met deze twee gigantische loofbomen. Inclusief molshoop met mol, vogelnestje en vogeltjes.

Yep we hebben 't nog!



30 02 3900 1x Tree leaves, 1 connector – leaf green
30 02 4190 2x Tree leaves, 3 connectors – leaf green
30 02 4260 2x Tree leaves, 1 connector – linden green
30 20 5530 2x Tree branch – dark brown
30 20 7490 1x Tree branch, forks at bottom – dark brown
30 21 8480 1x Ground, raised, triangular – olive green
30 22 4212 1x Ground, irregular shape, four points; one large hole, one small hole – green
30 22 7780 1x Tree leaves, 3 connectors – light green
30 23 5810 1x Bird, small, head down – blue
30 23 8460 1x Bird, small, head down – light orange
30 25 6150 1x Leaves of tree – green
30 25 6360 1x Mole, top half – black
30 25 6370 1x Hole with raised dirt – light brown
30 26 0140 1x Eggs, group of three, for nest – white
30 26 0150 1x Nest with holes for eggs – brown
30 26 0380 1x Bird, small, head up – ruby red
30 26 0610 1x Bird, small, head up – brown
30 29 9420 1x Tree trunk and branches – brown
30 60 6610 1x Leaf frond, top and bottom – linden green



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Gewicht 200 g

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